3D-printed "PCB" 3D-printed "PCB" for solderless hotswap prototyping by 50an6xy06r6n .
KBD.news Published June 4, 2021
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More info and pics: https://imgur.com/a/A9y47My
The author didn't want to solder/desolder switches and diodes every time when tweaking the layout, so came up with a printed "PCB" for a split layout.
Model is generated in OpenSCAD from layout data, so it's easy to change.
The top right pin goes through the insulation of the yellow row wire. The contact is quite robust, and if you use silicone wire the pin should be able to cut its own hole. Diode anode leg acts as the contact for the second switch pin, and the cathode leg goes through the blue column wire on the back.
Published on Fri 4th Jun 2021. Featured in KBD #29 (source ).
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