A machined keyboard with machined caps A machined keyboard with machined keycaps by saturnfig .
KBD.news Published July 2, 2021
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Gallery with lots of pictures and some info: https://imgur.com/a/HyNVOiF
Actual runtime + setup time on the case was ~70 hours (100 if you include the fixture) because I had to do 7 different setups and a lot of shifting and checking with my dial indicator until it was where I wanted it.
The whole thing was machined on a Haas mini mill, 16" x travel the case is 17.7" so that was what took so long. Also cutting the really small radius for the key switch cutouts took forever. The keycaps took a bit but not nearly as brutal as the case because 6 could be done at a time.
It "only" cost around $300. Most of the material was donated so that helped. Total BOM cost would be another $300 too.
Published on Fri 2nd Jul 2021. Featured in KBD #33 (source ).
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