Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Another Owl

Yet another 5x3 + 3 split keyboard and another going by the name Owl. This time by protoplancton.
Published January 17, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

After the Purple Owl we have another Owl now: Mathias Millet's (aka protoplancton/sapristi) 36-key (diodeless), MX-spaced split is a wireless-only keyboard.

Forked from the rae-dux, its a relative of the Architeuthis Dux.


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Published on Tue 17th Jan 2023. Featured in KBD #112 (source).



Urchin is a wireless-only Swoop-derivative open-sourced by duckyb.

Chunky V2

Tenstaana's Chunky V2 – now with trackpad. Less janky and more janky at the same time.

Lalboard: a modern Datahand

The lalboard, this 3D printable recreation of the DataHand was featured at hackaday recently (journal, repo).

La Lettre

A 35% unibody split by somepin: La Lettre is a 3D-printed, handwired mechanical keyboard.


Frederik's keyboard dubbed the Reviung_ish extends the distinctive Reviung layout with a number row.


This handwired monster is tentatively named the Phatty105 (keymap) and is based on a (surprise!) CRKBD. Committed by jamopopper.
