Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Artsy Fartsy

Artsy Fartsy is an ergo artsey keyboard by u/GrO3veman.
Published June 1, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

So Artsy Fartsy by Marco (GrO3veman, GroooveBob) is not a macropad but a full-fledged "ergo" artsey keyboard with its eight keys.

You may remember Artsey from earlier posts (here and here) – it's a one-handed keyboard system designed to be easy to learn, comfortable to use, and fast enough for practical use, operated by just four fingers over a small range of motion.


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Published on Thu 1st Jun 2023. Featured in KBD #124 (source).


Chordie chording keyboard

The Chordie is an open-source hand-wired chording keyboard by kbjunky with optional trackball support.

A 5-key chorded keyboard

A 5-key chorded keyboard by zxyzyxz (article, git).

One-handed Mist

The Mist by defiant00 is a one-handed, mirrored keyboard with an own firmware and chording layout.


Mikey Sklar is back with another chording keyboard: the NeoBoomerang uses off-the-shelf Adafruit hardware.

Chordie updated

The chording keyboard you shouldn't be scared of, Chordie by kbjunky, has been updated.

Chouchou keyboard

Dane Lipscombe published his Chouchou, a minimalist monoblock split designed to be used with the Taipo chording system.
