Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


A stunning unibody split with optional encoder: Ashwing66 by James Gzowski.
Published July 23, 2024
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James Gzowski aka Flexyjerkov shared his Ashwing66, a nice monoblock split with plenty of keys (e.g. number row), Pi Pico, and optional encoder.

My latest keyboard build, took some inspiration from the Lily58 which is my go to daily. Wanted a few extra keys and a rotary encoder while retaining the layout as closely as possible on a single PCB – James.

The PCB is both Choc v1/MX compatible and the rotary encoder can be swapped out for an additional switch. Decorative lighting on the top row and centre cluster of keys only, mapped out so QMK effects work nicely.



  • 66-67 keys
  • MX or Choc, soldered
  • Pi Pico
  • optional encoder or extra key
  • Per-key RGB on top row and few center keys
  • 15° angle


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Published on Tue 23rd Jul 2024. Featured in KBD #170 (source).



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