Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


The Azimuth is my handwired hotswap pseudosplit design with a handful of rotary encoders.
Published November 22, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Sorry for the shameless self-promotion.

The Azimuth is just another incarnation of my handwired hotswap Storm46, this time with a more classy plate contour, low-pro thumb keys and an unreasonable amount of encoders (not used, some not even wired).

Took this to a mini meetup the other day and realized I never posted about this publicly.

Story and more details:

Plates if somebody is interested:

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Published on Mon 22nd Nov 2021. Featured in KBD #53.


Unsplit Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up! turned into a monoblock by u/ak66666 – with one more level.

Lyra and SuperLyra

The Lyra and SuperLyra, a split and a pseudosplit with numpad in the center, are two open-source designs by Malevolti.

Red Herring solenoid edition

Ming-Gih Lam updated the Red Herring PCB with an on-board solenoid.


Batreeq: A 30-key pseudosplit keyboard by AlSaMoMo – with a trackball and scroll ring.

Unibody Corne case

SirFodds created a gasket-mounted unibody case for the Corne keyboard.


The Reviung-inspired ReviungDash47 by tumler comes with some extra keys.
