Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial
Behind the Scenes of Issue 100
Quick news, 100 issues, new vendors and discounts, new meetups, new donors.
Published October 29, 2022
Hey y'all,
Welcome back for another edition of Keyboard Builders' Digest (this time Issue #100), a weekly roundup of this DIY keyboard focused newsletter and blog from Tamas Dovenyi – that's me. If you are new to this, you can read how this started out and what this is all about nowadays. If you like what you see, you can subscribe to the newsletter (free) and donate some bucks to keep this otherwise free and ad-free project alive.
Quick news
- ThereminGoat launched a series(?) on Drop, starting with a general intro to switches.
- Akko came out with a pretty unique spring mount kit: the SPR67.
- MTNU October update by Matt3o.
- LoyalPotato updated the Yggdrasil repo with two cases (related post).
- Värdera rectangular Choc version available both on Thingiverse and Printables – by braindefender.
- Ergomech store turned 2.
The first 100 issues
I know I should have prepared with something special for this historic issue, but I wouldn't have had time for it even if I haven't fought with covid…
Anyway, next month this project will turn 2 so that will be another opportunity to celebrate.
Vendor database
- Keebfront added, and Andy offered you a 5% discount (coupon code: KBDNEWS).
- Candykeys offered you a somewhat mysterious discount. It's about 3% but it depends on the actual product I guess and may not even work for everything. Check it out!
- Digital Carpentry, Keeb Concrete, Wylderbuilds added.
Meetup database
- Mintlodica × Shopify Los Angeles Meet-up (Nov 5) added.
- New York City Meetup (Dec 10) added.
- Iowa meetup (March 4) updated with venue.
- and ofc I missed The Grand Lason by Zion Studios PH – this tiny event with 2,100 attendees. :D
As always, this meetup database is both a calendar and an archive so feel free to send me upcoming events or even ones from the recent past to make this collection as comprehensive as possible.
- New donations from Paul Kischlat and Capsule Deluxe (thanks Caroline!).
- A new recurring donor: thanks Arto Olli!
That's all for today. Thanks for reading.
Feel free to comment in this issue's r/mk thread, and as always: keep learning and building.
Cheers, Tamás
Published on Sat 29th Oct 2022. Featured in KBD #100.