Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial

Behind the Scenes of Issue 109

Dead week, giveaway feedback, vendor database updates, etc.

Published January 2, 2023
Would you like to contribute to this year's MK Advent Calendar? Here are the guidelines for authors, along with last year's edition for reference.

Hey y'all,

Welcome back for another edition of Keyboard Builders' Digest (this time Issue #109), a weekly roundup of this DIY keyboard focused newsletter and blog from Tamas Dovenyi – that's me. If you are new to this, you can read how this started out and what this is all about nowadays. If you like what you see, you can subscribe to the newsletter (free) and donate some bucks to keep this otherwise free and ad-free project alive.


Happy new year everyone! While it's already 2023, the posts and projects featured in Issue #109 were published last week so I consider this issue the last one of 2022.

I'm just back from my holiday so another quick editorial today.

Dead week

The few days between (and also before/after) Christmas and New Year's Eve, Dead Week as Helena Fitzgerald calls it, are probably the strangest part of the year. They have so much potential but are doomed to failure from the very beginning. Should you relax and be with your family? Or should you go on with your long-time project and post keyboards? :D Either way, this no-man's-land in the calendar seems like a wasted opportunity. At least for me. I hope you spent it well.

As usual, I spent the last days of the year in the mountains with family and friends, and while hiking, visiting ruins in the wilderness and playing board games, I tried to keep track of interesting keyboard projects.

Giveaway feedback

More feedback from giveaway winners:

Pic: Rodrigo's KBDfans Tiger Lite

Rodrigo's KBDfans Tiger Lite

Pic: Geobert's Strumace deskmat

Geobert's Strumace deskmat

Vendor database

Some more additions to the database of keyboard shops as a fallout of the recent r/mk week of giveaways:


  • A generous extra year-end donation from top recurring donor Chad. Thanks!
  • And a donation from Adam Batkin. Thank you!

And many thanks to all the donors who supported this project in 2022.

As I write it in my year-end summary, maintaining takes a lot of energy and time. (According to the Reddit Recap stats that's 100 hours per month on Reddit only.) If you'd like and can afford to help, here is the donation form.

Small developments

  • Tiny tweaks in the dark mode css – still some to go.


That's all for today. Thanks for reading.

Feel free to comment in this issue's r/mk thread, and as always: keep learning and building.

Cheers, Tamás

Do you like this post? Share, donate, subscribe, tip me off!

Published on Mon 2nd Jan 2023. Featured in KBD #109.


Behind the scenes #173

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Behind the Scenes of Issue 125

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Behind the Scenes of Issue 58

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Behind the Scenes of Issue 30

Personal favorites. Split database revamp continued. Some vintage keyboards acquired. Issue 29 follow-up.
