Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial

Behind the Scenes of Issue 112 interview, new discounts, vendor/meetup database updated, new donors, etc.

Published January 29, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Hey y'all,

Welcome back for another edition of Keyboard Builders' Digest (this time Issue #112), a weekly roundup of this DIY keyboard focused newsletter and blog from Tamas Dovenyi – that's me. If you are new to this, you can read how this started out and what this is all about nowadays. If you like what you see, you can subscribe to the newsletter (free) and donate some bucks to keep this otherwise free and ad-free project alive.


The project is pretty much in low-power mode. While I try to keep an eye on the hobby and bookmarking cool projects, the blog is updated only occasionally these days. My wife is still in hospital and I'm juggling with work and taking care of my daughters. I hope I'll be able to get back on track soon.

There was no newsletter last week as I try to skip on the most time-consuming parts of running the blog while focusing on the core features.

That said, there has been a lot of new subscribers to the mailing list in the past two weeks, as well as some new donors, so I thought I comb together a quick issue – that's why most recent posts are shorter than usual.

Also sorry if I'm not that responsive, I usually get back to you in a few days rather than a few hours.

And, while I don't have time for original content nowadays, there's an interview with me on if you want to learn more about the guy behind this project. interview

It was last November I guess when Danny reached out to me or I reach out to him for the Advent Calendar, I can't really remember. Anyway, he was going to launch an interview series on the blog and it seems I am the first one who made it to this series of posts. Thanks Danny and Kayla!

For ardent readers: I answered these questions in early December, so that's why I refer to some past events like the Seeed competition or the advent calendar, etc.

Read the full interview here:

Vendor database

  • MIKIT offered you a 5% discount. Yay, they have such cool and distinctive boards! I'm glad Evan decided to join the ranks of shops offering discounts for my readers: MIKIT is #90 in the list of vendors accepting the KBDNEWS coupon code. And this link should work as well.
  • A small update: Cyboard has been offering you a $10 discount (use the KBDNEWS discount code) for months now, but it seems the shop entry wasn't updated at the time of the announcement (Issue 94). Fixed.
  • And Prevail Key Co is going out of business. Inventory is being liquidated, the discount code doesn't work anymore.

Meetup database

As always, this meetup database is both a calendar and an archive so feel free to send me upcoming events or even ones from the recent past to make this collection as comprehensive as possible.


  • A new supporter: Jason Hazel. Thanks a lot Jason!
  • And Cyboard signed up as a recurring donor. Thanks Erik!

As I write it in my year-end summary, maintaining this site takes a lot of energy and time. (According to the Reddit Recap stats that's 100 hours per month on Reddit only.) If you'd like and can afford to help, here is the donation form.


That's all for today. Thanks for checking by.

Cheers, Tamás

Do you like this post? Share, donate, subscribe, tip me off!

Published on Sun 29th Jan 2023. Featured in KBD #112.


Behind the Scenes of Issue 100

Quick news, 100 issues, new vendors and discounts, new meetups, new donors.

Behind the Scenes of Issue 102

Anniversary giveaway, Key Comp in the mailbox, new vendors, discounts, meetups.

Behind the Scenes of Issue 71

2,000 newsletter subscribers, purging inactive users, consider contributing to the new costs, etc.

Behind the Scenes of Issue 92

The dreadful Mirage, quick news, manufacturer coupons, new vendors, missed & new meetups.

Behind the scenes #160

Keyboard projects, quick news, in the mailbox, meetups, new vendors and lots of discount codes!

Behind the Scenes of Issue 64

Quick news, donation/sponsorship controversy, the giveaway strikes back, January stats, vendor database update, developments.
