Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial

Behind the Scenes of Issue 49

New vendor map with sneak peek. Vendor database update with new discount codes. Olympia SM2. Is this a typewriter collection now? Issue 48 follow-up.
Published October 25, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Vendor database update

Some new shops (7), new discount codes and a new interface.

I'm not sure about which are the new discount codes, I forgot to take notes, but there are 32 shops with coupon codes now. I guess Zeal PC and StayWires/Koi Cables must be the new ones added last week.

Some developments: shop cake day indication. Probably not the most useful function but another incentive for vendors to provide more data. Shops providing date of founding are highlighted on their anniversaries.

Also, I made some changes in the way shop team info is displayed (if detailed/multiline).

What's more interesting though: there is an upcoming vendor map I'm going to publish in the near future. It needs some final touches but it's almost finished. Members can find the link to the map below and can check it before making it public.

Vendor map preparations

So this will be another interface for the same dataset but with an extra function: answering some question the database is not capable of atm. Like "Any shops in my neighborhood?" or "Is there a keyboard shop in the Middle East?".


This is exclusive or early-access content for my supporters on BMC.

If you can't afford supporting this project, don't worry, I might publish parts of these write-ups later.

Btw, the full story is 5,800+ characters long and you can read it at:

Do you like this post? Share, donate, subscribe, tip me off!

Published on Mon 25th Oct 2021. Featured in KBD #49 (source).


Behind the Scenes of Issue 24

Issue 23 follow-up, Issue 24 preparations. LED power consumption test: first results & USB ports killed. My kitchen scale now features a Choc white.

Behind the Scenes of Issue 29

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Behind the Scenes of Issue 61

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Behind the scenes #181

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100K monthly visitors, new shops, meetups, Glove80 in the mailbox, developments, etc.

Behind the scenes #158

Keyboard projects, quick news, in the mailbox, meetups, new vendors and discount codes!
