Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial

Behind the Scenes of Issue 60

Quick news, KBD Time Machine, Benjamin Renner and his keyboard designs, typing with your thoughts, December stats updated, etc.

Published January 10, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Hello everyone,

Some quick news:

  • New shop. @Yowkees, creator of the Keyball46 keyboard, opened Shirogane Lab, a new keyboard shop in Takayama, Japan – what makes this quite special is that this is the brick and mortar kind of shops, a rare specimen in this hobby. I'll try to ask him some questions and make a longer post later.
  • TheThocc. After interviewing Danny from Keebio, I exchanged some emails with host Vogon and he asked me if I would be comfortable with recording an episode as well. While this would be a real honour, I had to decline the request – at least temporarily, until I boost my English speaking skills… Thanks Vogon!
  • The Commodore 64 was introduced in January, 1982. Happy 40th Birthday!
  • Philip O-Keefe, a paralyzed man in Australia became the first person to send a tweet using his thoughts (and Synchroninc CEO Thomas Oxley's Twitter account). He posted some tweets via human implanted BIC (Brain Computer Interfaces). As of my understanding, the device wasn't implanted in his brain but we are close to that point: – So what about the future of keyboards?
  • A photo posted by Thereminz helped me to discover the work of Benjamin Rossen. I put together a quick post about his DataStealth but I'll have to get back to this topic.

KBD Time Machine

While I started this project in November, 2020, the website was launched only a few weeks later. Indeed, exactly one year ago. Well, it wasn't at that time but a mere subdirectory over at

Anyway, there have been more than a thousand projects featured in the meantime and it is inevitable that valuable content sinks into oblivion. To give these posts another chance, I made a page listing entries published last year around this time.

This tool may become more interesting in a few years but you can already try it with one year:

December stats, About page updated

As usual, I've done the monthly update to the about page – this time with the December stats. I was AFK in the last days of 2021 so I couldn't take a proper screenshot of the DNS based user data (tricking AD-blockers) – that's why it's from Nov 30 to Dec 30. (Cloudsource free plan…)


Well, that's it for today.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your support.

Feel free to ask and comment in this issue's r/mk thread, and as always: keep learning and building.

Cheers, Tamás

Do you like this post? Share, donate, subscribe, tip me off!

Published on Mon 10th Jan 2022. Featured in KBD #60.


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