Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial
Behind the Scenes of Issue 86
Working on my first video, meetup database update, new honorary copyeditor, giveaway, etc.
Published July 11, 2022
Hey y'all,
PSA: Next week I'll be in Slovakia. I'll take a little surprise with me: one of the KBD.NEWS aluminum novelties – courtesy of Approach and strike up a conversation with every tall, skinny, bearded guy in and around Košice. If you find the right one, you'll get a cap. :P
I may post cues later on Twitter. ;)
Welcome back for another edition of Keyboard Builders' Digest (this time Issue #86), a weekly roundup of this DIY keyboard focused newsletter and blog from Tamas Dovenyi – that's me. If you are new to this, you can read how this started out and what this is all about nowadays. If you like what you see, you can subscribe to the newsletter (free) and donate some bucks to keep this otherwise free and ad-free project alive.
First KBD.NEWS video
No, don't look for it on Youtube yet.
I've been working so hard on this during the whole week but couldn't finish the video before my trip to Slovakia.
Btw, this would be my first video – ever – but I've made great progress with recording, getting familiar with software, cutting, ducking, titles, effects, etc. It's been a great experience.
At least until my brand new Rode microphone (or audio interface, cable, OS, whatever) started to behave strangely. The recording software picks up signal while I'm talking but stops receiving signal(?) when I'm 5-20 sec into typing. As I start talking again it gets back to normal (cutting the very beginning of the talking part).
Yeah, you heard it right. My system seems to be allergic to typing – and this drives me crazy.
Any ideas? Unfortunately, this is my only external XLR mic, cable, and the only audio interface with XLR connector, so I guess I'll have to source some extra hardware to be able to debug the issue.
(The software part is OK, I tried multiple tools with the same result.)
I'm in correspondence with the vendor too but have no idea when I will be able to continue this project.
Meetup database
So this new meetup database is quite flexible and unripe yet, and last week I tried to implement some new attributes to help with keeping track of recent events.
I stumbled upon a video on the Tokyo meetup and then Daihuku pointed me to his gallery with lots of cool keyboards too.
So I added these to the event – and will try to add these follow-up resources to other events as well – and this way the database will serve not only as a calendar but kind of a documentation of meetups – for generations to come. :D
New donor
Thanks to Stefan Schulze for his donation.
And of course all of my regular donors.
New honorary copyeditor position
Thank you bcus_y_not for regularly reporting my typos, mistakes, errors, etc.
Hereby I promote you to the position of honorary copyeditor.
(This position can be filled by many readers at the same time so feel free to DM or email me (info at if you stumble upon something suspicious.)
The giveaway continues in the same way I mentioned last time: When I'm finally back from my trip, I will to the raffle with the entries from the past few weeks.
This time comment anything you like, but put your country at the end of the comment. This way I'll know the comment was meant to be an entry to the giveaway.
That's all for today folks. Thanks for reading.
Feel free to comment in this issue's r/mk thread, and as always: keep learning and building.
Cheers, Tamás
Published on Mon 11th Jul 2022. Featured in KBD #86.