Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Editorial

Behind the scenes #177

Keyboard projects, quick news, in the mailbox, meetups, new vendors and discount codes!

Published October 24, 2024
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Hey, what's up everyone!

Welcome back for another weekly recap and behind-the-scenes write-up.

If you are new to, you can read how this started out and what this is all about nowadays. If you like what you see, subscribe to the newsletter (free) and donate some bucks to keep this otherwise free and ad-free project alive.

Some posts worth sharing

Pic: KBDcraft Lilith & Lilin

KBDcraft Lilith & Lilin

  • Lilith and Lilin are two LEGO-compatible keyboard models by KBDcraft, working together or on their own. In my review I built the combined layout.

  • Reeve shared a nice wireless split keyboard: the 26-key pueo.

Pic: Pueo keyboard

Pueo keyboard

  • The 34-key wireless split Neko is a modified Chocofi, created by Alwi Muhammad.

Pic: Neko keyboard

Neko keyboard

  • Karma is a wireless-first low-profile split keyboard, shared by Achyudh Ram.

Pic: Karma


  • Dan Biba's Biba40 is a wireless split ortho.

Pic: Biba40


  • A 36-key ortholinear split keyboard called 1984, created by Dilshod Temirkhodjaev.

Pic: 1984 keyboard

1984 keyboard

  • Tien Pham shared his Form Neo, a relatively low-profile monoblock keyboard.

Pic: Form Neo

Form Neo

  • Protieusz shared another double-trackball keyboard design: the Q-Ballz.

Pic: Q-Ballz


Pic: Ploopy Trackpad

Ploopy Trackpad



Hey Reddit, I've been working on this website that last few weeks and thought some of you might find it fun or useful. I've really enjoyed the fun of racing others on websites like typeracer, but also really enjoyed the simple UI of sites like monkeytype.. so I thought I'd combine the two aspects! – Jack.

  • Trevor Flowers of transmutable is making miniature retrocomputers with functioning keyboards. E.g. this 1:3 scale of the VT100, a classic terminal from the 70s:


Closed-source, WIP, etc.


A few weeks ago I saw a vintage typewriter and wished there was a keyboard like it. So I made one – RatoUnit.

Pic: Jarne (top) and Jarne Blade (bottom)

Jarne (top) and Jarne Blade (bottom)

Inspired by the mikefive; I wanted to adapt the Jarne, which is already a low profile keyboard, to use Kailh pg1316 switches. The final result: a 5.4mm tall build, which includes the height of the rubber feet at the bottom – jthlim.

  • Node by AmPi Studio. A 36-key wireless split in a black aluminum case. Powered by ZMK.


  • Onigiri (IC) – A HHKB-inspired low-profile wireless keyboard.


  • Enter30 (IC) – based on weteor's QAZ.



The key idea is that when snapped together, the two halves of the keeb form its own case so no cases are needed. Additionally, I'm able to get two of this 500mah battery into each half, giving them months of battery life even without the dongle – Palpatine.

  • The doki by New-Concentrate.


This is my first custom ergo keyboard. This is meant to be an all in one keyboard with everything that I can dream of in a nice package and with GASKETTSS !!!


  • Leaf Fold is marcus_wu's ultra-portable folding keyboard, inspired by mikefive.


  • A 40 percent ortho based around a pi40 with RAMA keycaps, a 3D printed top plate, and a few magnets stuck to it to hold the pencil. Posted by edwardianpug.


Weekly Diderot-effect


Keyboard art






The core of the design is the cross, which can represent many themes. I just randomly chose a theme: a gift box – Rain2.


…and made Probably_daydreaming to react with this boy:


Glyphica giveaway

I chose one random winner from the Twitter commenters and one from those who contacted me by email. Congrats DonKyu and Martin. Steam codes sent, have fun! Thanks for participating.

FYI, we are talking about free Steam keys for the Glyphica: Typing Survival, offered by co-publisher Ryan.

And thank you all for all the messages and kind words. I received a bunch of emails praising and myself. :) I'd like you to know that I really appreciate every single message even if I wasn't able to respond to all of them.

In the mailbox

I received a YU01 from Akko (EU / US). I'm not really into RGB, but have to admit that this full resin board does its lighting thing extremely well. Practically, the whole board is a huge diffuser.




For all the donation options check out the donation page!

Meetup database

Upcoming meetups

Recently added

As always, this meetup database serves as both a calendar and an archive, so feel free to send me upcoming events or even ones from the recent past to make this collection as comprehensive as possible.

Vendors & Discounts

Feel free to use the KBDNEWS discount code at 162 keyboard shops! And do not hesitate to report any issues.

New shops and updates to the database of keyboard vendors this past two weeks:

  • Titan Nation (CN) added, and Nathan offered you a 10% discount with the KBDNEWS coupon code (min. $10, one use per customer). Thanks!
  • Noir Gear added.

  • Space Cables and Work Louder warnings.
  • TheKeyCompany is closed now.


I've been working a lot on the standardization/normalization of the sales data and rankings as a plan B for an aggregated top list. The first ideas came from Pupsino and ProfNugget, thank you guys.

I tried to come up with a system handling the very heterogeneous data, rewarding lists including sales volumes, while also incorporating simple rankings of various lenght… :)


That's all for today. Thanks for checking by. As always: Keep learning and building!

Until next time,

Do you like this post? Share, donate, subscribe, tip me off!

Published on Thu 24th Oct 2024. Featured in KBD #177.


Behind the scenes #156

Keyboard projects, quick news, in the mailbox, meetups, new vendors and discount codes!

Behind the Scenes of Issue 34

Behind the Scenes: Split database - permanent links to filtered lists. Issue 33 follow-up. Top 5 posts. Future plans / priority list.

Behind the scenes #152

Keyboard projects, quick news, in the mailbox, meetups, new vendors and discount codes!

Behind the Scenes of Issue 54

Major split database update on the way, developments, giveaway follow-up, on the UNO Mini & Adafruit KB2040 controllers, Issue #53 follow-up, Movember.

Behind the Scenes of Issue 113

Sending out the newsletter is no longer free. Quick news. Lots of new shops and discounts.
