Keyboard Builders' Digest
5% off KBDcraft's LEGO compatible keyboards!
Keyboard Builders' Digest / Tools

Benign Key Logger

A secure keylogger by skibau to help understand your keyboard usage.
Published August 1, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

A simple, transparent, open-source key logger, written in Python, for tracking your own key-usage statistics, originally intended for keyboard layout optimization.

GitHub repo:

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Published on Sun 1st Aug 2021. Featured in KBD #37 (source).


Hotswap PCB generator

The 3D-printable hotswap PCB generator by 50an6xy06r6n is now open-source.

Open source force curve meter

Open source force curve meter for MX-style switches by GreenPylons (repo, curves).

KiCad plugin for keyboard design

u/admwscki's kicad-kbplacer is a KiCad plugin using KLE layouts to place switches and diodes.

PRK firmware

PRK is a PicoRuby-based keyboard firmware running on RP2040 chips.

Find vendors based on your region

SyndromSnake released, a website to help people find vendors in their region (source, keebtalk).

Mikoto controller

Mikoto is an open-source Bluetooth LE nRF52840 microcontroller in a Pro Micro footprint. Designed by zhiayang.
