Bolt Industries Pico 87 An open-source tenkeyless mechanical keyboard powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico and BMK, a custom Arduino IDE firmware. Published March 16, 2022
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Kristina Panos ' great Keebin' With Kristina column at Hackaday led me to Ian Dunn's Kickstarter project: the Pico 87 .
While I rarely feature group buys and kickstarters, this one is an exception because Ian was kind enough to open-source the design files and firmware the day the campaign went live. A very sympathetic gesture.
I am a firm believer when it comes to open source hardware (and software) because I want to give back to the community that's given so much to me – Ian Dunn.
The .json files here can be imported into Easy EDA.
The PCB features an on-board USB hub and either a USB micro or USB-C connector.
Being a Pi Pico/RP2040 based keyboard, the Pico 87 is compatible with KMK but comes with an alternative firmware: BMK.
BMK stands for Bolt (Industries) Mechanical Keyboard and is written in C++ using the Arduino IDE.
Changing the function of a key is as easy as changing a line of code in the sketch – Ian Dunn.
Published on Wed 16th Mar 2022. Featured in KBD #70 (source ).
Related Axel Voitier's Lergo (ex-Kyfle) project is an ergo split exploration platform rather than a keyboard.
Ben Vallack's video demonstrates a workflow of making your custom PCB with Ergopad, Ergogen and KiCAD.
Carl Westman 's take on the Urchin with some more keys: the
Brain .
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u/tj_shex modified to accommodate an Elite-C and OLED screen.
Zodiark PCB kits coming soon (for real this time)! by
S_Dev .
u/Stefak 's
ErgoTravelXT is a foldable split keyboard with XT60 connectors.
About is a blog and newsletter on DIY mechanical keyboards. A hand-picked selection of posts from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective (more + contact ).
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Keyboard Layout Editor , Plate Builder / Plate Generator , QMK / (to QMK ), Pro Micro pinout & upgrade
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