The bunchiez40 is an ultracompact ortholinear keyboard designed by Christian Lo – with mouse switches! Published November 28, 2023
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Christian Lo aka sporewoh released bunchiez40, an experimental ultraportable keyboard that uses mouse switches to achieve a compact form factor while allegedly still being viable as a daily use keyboard.
I hit a limit with how small I can go with conventional keyboard switches, so I opted to use mouse switches to get an ultra compact form factor. Because the mouse switches have an actuation force similar to MX switches (~70g), I’m able to type at around 85 wpm on it, and I’m at a point where I can daily drive it (albiet with some acute wrist discomfort if I’m not careful :) – Chris.
As a coincidence, I just a parcel from Chosfox the other day with the minipeg48 and kowgary16, two previous projects by Chris with CFX spacing, similar to the bancouver40. And now he shares bunchiez40.
Bottom three boards: bancouver40 (17x17mm), hampsterz40 (15x15mm) and bunchiez40 (15x15mm)
I'm not really sure what to make of this, but the designer put a lot of effort into this project as usual: beside the PCB you can find case file for both 3D printing and a CNC version.