Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Keyboard Spotting

Canon Cat

Canon Cat is a task-dedicated desktop computer released by Canon Inc. in 1987.
Published November 14, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

This beauty was posted on Twitter by @TalpKeyboard without any context so I had to look this up.

Canon Cat is a task-dedicated desktop computer released by Canon Inc. in 1987 at the price of U.S. $1,495. On the surface, it was not unlike dedicated word processors popular in the late 1970s to early 1980s, but it was far more powerful, and incorporated many unique ideas for data manipulation – Wikipedia.

Here is the full Wikipedia entry for more info:

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Published on Sun 14th Nov 2021. Featured in KBD #52.


Tektronix 4014-1

A battered Tektronix 4014-1 computer terminal spotted by Jaceveldhuis.

Preh Commander AK 67

This Brüel & Kjær NP 0028 aka Preh Commander AK 67 was found by cdc_mkb in the attic of his employer.

Data General 6246-A

Data General 6246-A spotted by JonnyUnreliable.

Big boi inspiration

A retro frankenstein machine incorporating a Famicom/NES clone, a keyboard and a tv screen. Posted by chad3814.

Siemens linear accelerator keyboard

Do you need two keys to start your keyboard? K1LLAmanJARO spotted one.

BBC Micro

Keybordle spotted a BBC Micro in London's science museum, giving an opportunity to mention its historic role.
