Florent Linguenheld shared his Chew, an awesome keyboard design with cute graphics and a bit of splay.
KBD.news Published October 11, 2024
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The Chew is a crunched 34-key Choc-spaced keyboard designed by Florent Linguenheld, a mix of the Ferris/Sweep and Wubbo keyboards with some splay.
It comes either in true split or unibody form, but both versions feature cute and distinctive animals chewing on various stuff – drawn by the creators wife.
A 40% with some splay :) in split (of course) and monobloc flavours. Designed with a RP2040-Zéro and for Choc V1 – Florent.
If the bite mark on the PCB wasn't enough, the nice graphic and PCB art give the keyboard a unique character and real personality.
Other than the graphic, the author went totally berserk when it was time to design the traces.