Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Tips & Tricks

Cold casting knobs

Cold casting knobs for a GMMK Pro by dr34m37.
Published June 26, 2021
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Well, cold casting was new for me, but knowing the name is half success already. Looking it up it's an interesting method, especially compared to melting metals.

As this source describes it:

Cold casting is a simple technique using fine metal […] to create objects that duplicate the look and feel of "hot" foundry castings, without the expense and danger of working with molten materials in a foundry.

Cold casting bronze, copper and tin are probably the most popular metals used for this purpose.

The cold casting powders are added to a resin binder and the objects are cold cast and cured in a suitable mold. The mix ratio is usually 1 part cold casting powder to 2 parts binder.

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Published on Sat 26th Jun 2021. Featured in KBD #32 (source).


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