Costar CSK-7101N
u/lBlanc99 revived and restored a dead Costar CSK-7101N keyboard.
KBD.newsPublished March 27, 2022
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So lBlanc99 revived and restored this nice but originally dead Costar CSK-7101N keyboard (with OD1 Orange switches and 1800 layout).
He practically converted the keyboard by handwiring it and using a Teensy 2.0 controller.
Yes! That is a duplex matrix, it uses 9 pins for the column and 12 pins for the rows.
He also converted the 5 pin DIN cable into USB with a GX16 connector "so that it looks retro".
According to the sticker, this keyboard will be 30 years old in just a few days.
More photos:
Published on Sun 27th Mar 2022. Featured in KBD #71 (source).
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