Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Dactyl ManuBall

DrGarbinsky finished the next iteration of the Dactyl ManuBall.
Published March 9, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

The Dactyl ManuBall is built around a Teensy 4.0 controller. DrGarbinsky's keyboard has 76 keys (MX) and features 34mm balls.

This is the second generation of the Dactyl ManuBall. It builds on v1 with upgraded track balls using optical tracking – DrGarbinsky.


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Published on Thu 9th Mar 2023. Featured in KBD #115 (source).



Mike Barnoski published his first open-source keyboard: the minimal split BR/KN with trackballs on both sides.

Trackswitch Manuform

Rishikesh Vaishnav's Trackswitch Manuform introduces a mouse-level shift mechanism.

Pimple Smile

Protieusz keeps updating keyboard models with trackballs. His latest project is the Pimple Smile.


Skribbles4420 shared the files of his OpenOT, a 5x11 ortholinear keyboard with an integrated trackball.

Self-contained trackball

All the electronics is hidden inside this trackball by Jacek Fedoryński (video, git, blog post). (Posted by deekue.)


Protieusz's unibody Flower, a Noraneko42W variant, comes with Willow layout and interchangeable trackball.
