Dactyl Stabilized Dactyl Stabilized by brucedjones - wireless with reworked thumb cluster.
KBD.news Published July 10, 2021
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Thumb cluster totally reworked so I have 4 super comfy buttons that are easy to hit (instead of 3 + 3 awkward ones with the manuform thumb cluster). The 1u keys have separate z offsets so I can hit them without interfering with the other keys.
Git repo: https://github.com/brucedjones/dactyl-stabilized
Fully wireless (with nice!nanos)
2u keys on the thumb cluster have stabilizers
Large battery should give 3+ months battery life
Slimmed it down a bunch over the original dactyl manuform
Chunky palm rests custom shaped to the author's hands
Published on Sat 10th Jul 2021. Featured in KBD #34 (source ).
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