Another build with caps scavenged from a Triumph Adler Gabriele 9009, this time by u/orpheo_1452. Published February 9, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
Typewriter freaks, brace yourselves. This seems to be a trend now.
After Strange-Lab5541's split dubbed fisk was published last week, here is another build utilizing these gorgeous MX compatible caps scavenged from the Triumph Adler Gabriele 9009 electric typewriter.
Triumph Adler doubleshots in a 60% rosewood case – plus numpad.
While the original typewriter sports a pretty exotic layout, thus not truly ISO, it was possible to cover an ISO board – with two sets…
Somewhere outside a vintage typewriter enthusiast sinks down on his knees and begins to cry silently.
A video by flehrad drew my attention to Mountain Keyboards and their recycled aluminium keycaps, environmentally friendly packaging and socially responsible actions.