Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


Rafael Romão shared his Diamond, a 24-key handwired Dactyl-like board.
Published July 22, 2024
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Diamond is a handwired board with keywell, designed by Rafael Romão. Inspired by boards like the Rommana, Piano and Cygnus.

This is my first original design, although heavily inspired by the Rommana (same keywells) and The Piano, and using the same switch holders from the Cygnus. Huge thanks to the giants who built and made these boards available for the community – rafaelromao.


Three-key columns for the individual fingers except the pinky which has only one key.

  • 24 keys
  • handwired with single-switch PCBs
  • wireless via Supermini NRF52840 controllers
  • 3D-printed case with keywell
  • ZMK


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Published on Mon 22nd Jul 2024. Featured in KBD #170 (source).



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Trackswitch Manuform

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Dactyl Manu-tide

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Ergo S-1

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