Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Keyboard Spotting

Didaktik Gama

A Czechoslovakian Didaktik Gama spotted by u/themiracy.
Published October 17, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

One of the many Eastern European ZX-Spectrum clones?

Forty keys and a lot of layers. As seen in the National Museum of the Czech Republic, in Prague – themiracy.

As Dizi1 points out, this was made by Didaktik Skalica (Skalica is a city now in Slovakia). Both the diagram at the bottom and the instructions are in Slovak.

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Published on Mon 17th Oct 2022. Featured in KBD #100 (source).


Fujitsu Oasys

It seems Fujitsu made ALPS keyboards. An Oasys spotted by by May_1.

Dorner PDS 320

Dorner Electronic's PDS 320 was a fancy concrete mixing hardware with an impressive keyboard layout. Posted by u/Zerfallsgesetz.

IBM 3278

Well, mrprofessor007 was supposed to buy a house, instead...

Air Force One comms station

The comms station from a previous Air Force One used by Eisenhower to Nixon (shot by MuddyFire).

Motorola KDT480

An old school police keyboard spotted by ya-best-beleeDat.

Keltron keyboard

u/KingD421 found this vintage Keltron, part of a fire alarm system.
