A no-frills 36-key split keyboard with reversible PCB: EDC36 by Penk Chen.
KBD.news Published January 5, 2025
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Penk Chen aka penkia shared his EDC63, a minimalist split keyboard designed for a cyberdeck project with simplicity and portability in mind:
This is a pretty ordinary, no-frills build – no wireless, no display, no rotary encoder, and not even hot-swappable. Just a minimal, straightforward Choc-spacing 4-wire split – Penk.
The PCB is reversible with cutouts, allowing RP2040 Zero (and Mini for the right half) to be soldered flush using castellated holes on the underside.
36 keys (5x3+3)
Choc, soldered
reversible PCB
RP2040-Zero (left) and RP2040-Tiny (right) controllers
audio jack
3D-printed case
The author also included STL files for a minimalist tray-style case – with space for a metal ring, allowing compatibility with MagSafe stands if you’d like.
I'm used to artisans, but these mint & strawberry chocolate themed Lime40s are the first artisan keyboards I've ever seen (designed by eukalin_, posted by hiddenbox4).