Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Egg laptop

Ikejima's Egg is a laptop style cyberdeck with an ortho keyboard.
Published September 30, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

As a follow-up to his cube PC, Ikejima – who btw is the same person helping me a lot with the exotic keyboard matrix write-ups – came up with the Egg laptop.

When I was a kid, I drew my perfect laptop PC into a notebook. At that time, I couldn’t have the laptop. But now I can start my project! – Ikejima.

This retro clamshell style laptop conceals a 12x4 handwired ortho keyboard (16mm spacing to achieve an even more compact layout).

The LCD above the keyboard is used to indicate battery voltage.

Instant retro yellowing was achieved by using the banana color PLA filament of Polyterra.

More details:

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Published on Fri 30th Sep 2022. Featured in KBD #97 (source).

Tags: cyberdeck


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