Keyboard Builders' Digest
Enthusiast level keyboards from Deskhero (CA)!
Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Elephant42 panda

An update to illness72's original elephant42: palette-system shared elephant42 panda, a new version with an I/O expander.
Published May 5, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Illness072's elephant42 is not new, it's almost 2 years old. As such, it predates the project so it hasn't been featured on these pages yet.

However, I constantly stumble upon it on Twitter so @4py1 aka palette-system's elephant42_panda project, an I/O expander mod to the original PCB, seemed to be a good occasion to introduce both.

The elephant42 is a split keyboard that was very strongly influenced by the design philosophy of Fuku aka @yfuku's claw44.

Hotswappable split, relatively aggressive pinky stagger, 4-key thumb arc, OLED display, and open source:

And palette-system announced the elephant42_panda, which is a WIP(?) PCB that sports the MCP23017 I/O expander instead of another Pro Micro.

GitHub repo:

It allegedly looks like a panda, thus the name, but honestly, I have no idea where that panda is hidden.

Pic: How does this look like a panda?!

How does this look like a panda?!
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Published on Thu 5th May 2022. Featured in KBD #77 (source).



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