Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / History

Email anno 1984

Emailing anno 1984 when over seas. Posted by hagr.
Published May 20, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

The way you would check your emails from a train/your hotel room back in 1984.

Featuring a fancy modem and a Tandy TRS-80 Model 100:

('Database's' Tony Bastable demonstrates the art of emailing 1980's style when over seas. First shown on Thames TV in 07/06/1984.)

As a happy coincident, there was a post in r/CyberDeck about a reporter who used a TR-80 back in the day writing about the Tandy TR-80 Model 100 (typed on a TR-80 Model 100): This TRS-80

A great read, however, contrary to a statement in the article, this model was definitely not the first portable computer, nor the first laptop/notebook computer. (The first one of this form factor was the Epson HX-20.)

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Published on Thu 20th May 2021. Featured in KBD #27 (source).


Recreating keycaps for the AlphaSmart Neo

A father and son team designed replacement keycaps for the AlphaSmart Neo, bringing an old keyboard back to life with some low-cost modern tech.

IBM Model F AT

Built like a brick. IBM Model F AT posted by StrawberryMarmalade.


The IBM Lighted Program Function Keyboard (LPFK) was used as an extra input device when doing computer aided design on the IBM RS/6000 series of machines. Posted by epearl-tv.

ESA keyboard

A keyboard from the ESA Director of Operations bench spotted by u/evil_noodles.

Sejin Electron SKM-1040

A restored left handed (?) keyboard with Futaba MA switches posted by ZachLennie.

Keltron keyboard

u/KingD421 found this vintage Keltron, part of a fire alarm system.
