Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Engraved Adelais case

An amazing engraved Adelais case by dinhthai060.
Published July 28, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

More pics: on Instagram.

A quick chat with the artist here.

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Published on Wed 28th Jul 2021. Featured in KBD #37 (source).



Another 3-row project by weteor: Grumpy is a cute 28-key angled unibody keyboard with column stagger.


Jbam9 shared a case for the JB69, a handwired ortho with a solenoid.


The LambBT is a minimal, wireless, 34-key split travel companion by John Lamb.

Keyboard Case Design

Sadek Baroudi provides a detailed walkthrough of how he designs 3D models – Starting with a PCB, and ending with a model that you can export for 3D printing.

Brk Out

Weteor's Brk Out is a 38-key orthogonal keyboard with split alphas and offset space.


A set of Python scripts for generating stacked acrylic cases for Atreus-style keyboards. Published by Mike Bannister.
