Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Keyboard Spotting

Ericsson/Telekom keyboard

An Ericsson/Telekom keyboard spotted by retr0FPS.
Published October 15, 2021
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You can spot some interesting details of this Telekom branded Ericcson terminal keyboard in the gallery:

2u Esc which totally makes sense. What's even better: an Esc cluster! Dummy stems, multipart angled PCB, yum!

I'm not sure about this but it may belong to an Ericcson PC.

Ericsson made a nice IBM PC clone in 1984 after the fiasco with "Ericsson Step One". This machine was well built and quite successful in Sweden (source).
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Published on Fri 15th Oct 2021. Featured in KBD #48 (source).

Tags: spotting


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