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A bridge connecting the two halves turns out to be a good solution for high-angle tenting. The bridge is simply the two tenting racks (introduced on the author's RedBaron split keyboard) joined together, with small adjustments in size.
I've been building DIY keyboards and making tweaks to alleviate my RSI symptoms. Now I'm going for >60 degree tenting, which allows a much more comfortable arm/wrist position. Here is what I came up, a bridge connecting the two halves and physics (not glue) doing its wonder – macroxue.
While I personally can't really imagine how this could be comfortable in a classic working environment (maybe for your forearm but what about your shoulders?), macroxue put some real effort into keyboard ergonomics because of his RSI. As far as I can remember, all the scientific papers I've seen about forearm pronation investigated much more conservative tenting angles (maybe about or below 10-20°), but if you live with similar conditions and are contemplating an extreme angle like this, now you have a new solution in your inventory.