A 34-key Bluetooth keyboard with self-encasing PCB: Fract by skarrmann.
KBD.news Published November 18, 2024
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Steven Karrmann aka skarrmann shared the Fract, this ortho keyboard with low-pro Chocs, Choc spacing, and self-encasing PCB a la his Horizon.
I wanted a simple wireless keyboard that could fit in my pocket, and Fract is the result – skarrmann.
Fract uses a second copy of the main PCB as a bottom plate, with cutouts for the components so it screws down perfectly flush. A top plate PCB covers the battery and the dev board, and provides cutouts for the reset button and power switch.
34 keys
Choc V1, Choc spacing (18mm x 17mm)
Pro Micro footprint (nice!nano or Supermini rRF52840)
T. G. Marbach's JESK56 is a diodeless 56-key ortholinear keyboard, using a single RP2040-based microcontroller thanks to some fancy math and graph theory.