Frame 48 Greg Mathews published his Frame 48 , a handwired split keyboard with dedicated arrow cluster. Published November 3, 2022
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Greg Mathews aka gregsqueeb designed and built a nice split keyboard: the Frame 48 .
It's handwired, but the case STLs are available, and the project is very well documented.
This build was heavily inspired by the Void Ergo S keyboard which was my starting point. I also learn a lot about wiring from Joe Scotto , so thanks so much! – Greg.
In the top photo you can see the Frame 48 sporting keycaps.
Published on Thu 3rd Nov 2022. Featured in KBD #101 (source ).
Related A 26-key semi-handwired split with lots of magnets:
Wilson26 by
Stephan Møller .
The Lunakey project includes two open-source split keyboards and a macropad published by Yoichiro Tanaka.
Alexandre Plateau shared his low-profile split
Floppy keyboard .
Skeletyl variant by
u/blackanode with top and side mount add-on options.
articulation80 is a versatile open-source split keyboard PCB by
Myles Lee .
SS Centurion , a 39-key monoblock split with a trackball, is the latest keyboard by
Protieusz .
About is a blog and newsletter on DIY mechanical keyboards. A hand-picked selection of posts from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective (more + contact ).
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