FranDes made a handwired custom split: the wireless Frandestein. Published September 13, 2023
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Francesco De Santis (aka FranDes), shared his first custom wireless split keyboard project dubbed the Frandestein.
After using a Lily58L then a CRKBD, I felt like I needed a more compact and minimalistic keyboard, so I ended up designing one by myself – FranDes.
Teased a few months back, the author's name was apparently part of the Frandestein name, but also the fact that the design was influenced by other keyboards (mainly CRKBD and Boardsource's Microdox) and was built based on parts scavenged from other electronic accessories.
Francesco decided to make this keyboard because he needed a compact one, which is easily to carry around at the university. That's why the controller is moved from the typical inner position to one that is usually quite unused: beneath the bottom row.
I also decided to install just two thumb keys because having three would have meant that the third one should have been in a too-inner position.
In addition, the Frandestein uses reed (or magnetic) switches that recognize when a magnet (on the bottom of the case) is near them so that they can turn off the controller when the keyboard is in carrying mode.
The PCB version is in the making, hotswappable and with a horizontal rotary encoder.