Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


Froggr is the next board in weteor's Orthocade family: a 12u ortholinear keyboard with 48 keys and offset bottom row.
Published February 4, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Another model published as part of weteor's Orthocade family: the Froggr is an ortholinear keyboard with 43-48 keys and an offset bottom row.

Froggr, which extends to 12u to have room for standard modifiers. Build this for my wife, because she wanted to learn touch typing and I think 12u is a lot easier to get into than 10u – weteor.


  • 43-48 MX switches
  • hotswap
  • Seeed Xiao controller (RP2040 or BLE) on an Orthocade MCU board
  • ZMK (Xiao BLE) or QMK w/vial (Xiao RP2040) support
  • Multiple bottom row arrangements supported
  • Resin with acrylic inlay case design


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Published on Sat 4th Feb 2023. Featured in KBD #113.


OLKB terminal

An OLKB terminal by jeffeb3 featuring a Void30.


Helvellyn is a 35-key ortholinear keyboard with a 6.25u space bar. Designed by Stewtheking.


FAW36 is a wireless ortho split by u/gpem, using XIAO BLE controllers.


T. G. Marbach's JESK56 is a diodeless 56-key ortholinear keyboard, using a single RP2040-based microcontroller thanks to some fancy math and graph theory.


An asymmetric low-profile keyboard for playing MMO games: MMOAbom56 by ujl123.

KBDcraft Israfel review

I tested KBDcraft's brilliant Israfel, a 50% unibody split with an adjustable angle, made of LEGO. It's impressive and offers a huge bang for your buck. Flock to the store, folks!
