Got Milk? - an artistic 3D printed case/plate test run by u/QDP2D. Published September 2, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
This is a tester I did for a Nickelodeon themed board I want to make – QDP2D.
The keyboard is a FFLX by Sadek Baroudi / Fingerpunch, and the case is 3D printed in Priline CFPC (on a Voron 2.4) and Elegoo standard white (on an Elegoo Saturn 2).
(Milky yellow switches and MT3 2048 and /dev/tty keycaps complement the design.)
According to the author, the quite thick top layer doesn't seem to affect ergonomics, but if it were uncomfortable, she would probably "just throw a bean bag/wrist rest on there and call it a day".