A classy detachable split prototype with slightly scooped case/plate.
KBD.news Published January 17, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
Hakkei's HX-S family (the HX-S1 and its RGB alternative HX-SR1) would be just another wireless split project with classic staggering and a rotary encoder – without their most distinctive trait: the scooped shape providing a slight tilt and negative slope.
Developed in conjunction with ergonomic researchers, our own research, and personal experiences, the HX-S Series features the Metaflex Curve® – our patent pending ergonomic curve supports the hand in a natural sloping angle that places the wrist in a neutral position.
According to the latest development update in August last year, the first functional prototype is ready and "we are redesigning some of the internals because critical components are unable to be sourced".
We are close to the production prototype, which should be ready in a couple of months. One thing to note – the prototype was manufactured using injection molded plastic. Our production model will be die-cast aluminum or CNC, depending on the costs – Jonathan Lau, Strategy & Product Lead.
Both keyboard models are wireless, feature low-profile Choc switches and run their ZMK-based firmware.
By the way, Hakkei won a GOODDESIGN award with the HX-S1 in 2021. The "Riven keyboard", referred to as their first product in the laudation, is in fact the HX-S1 – they had a trademark issue, and the previous name used on the award page will be updated soon.