Stewtheking shared his Helvellyn, a 35-key ortho board with a 6.25u space bar and some 1.25u caps.
This is Helvellyn, my latest silly keyboard project. It is based initially on the layout from the ScottoAlp, which I find is about the right number of keys for me, but then I have adapted the 35 key layout to use the 6.25u spacebar, with some 1.25u keys down the left hand side in order to leave it as a complete rectangle – Stewtheking.
When finalizing the PCB, the author came across the lazydesigners TK40X (ortho version) and realized that there are similar designs out there, even if the Helvellyn has the 1.25u keys on the left.
The name is because I have decided on a mountain theme for all of my keyboard projects, and Helvellyn is famous for "striding edge" (a "not-quite-as-steep-as-it-looks-but-pretty-close" ridge leading to the summit) and this board is all about the "ridge" of odd keys running down the left hand edge – Stewtheking.