Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Japanese Keyboard Advent Calendar

The Keyboard Advent Calendar features blog posts by revered authors of the Japanese keyboard community. Curated by Yoichirou.
Published December 6, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

If you are like me, you are blown away or even intimidated by what goes on in the Japanese keyboard community – but are unable to figure out what's a new, original design and what's something that have been around for a while and simply built and shown off by a recent buyer.

Google Translate can produce ridiculous translations, quite unusable in many cases, so it can't help in some situations either.

However, I started noticing valuable blog posts recently – with a reference to the Advent Calendar – and Google Translate seems to perform acceptable to understand most parts.

For those who are interested, these blog posts can help navigating the Japanese scene by providing a summary of various projects or the whole year from the vantage point of the original authors.

Here is this year's schedule along with the already published write-ups:

From artisan keycap making through prototyping to PCB making and distributing, all of these posts are awesome resources.

(As far as I can tell, this kind of advent calendars have been around in the Japanese keyboard community for some time, e.g. this is from 2019 and this one from 2020. Even better, it seems there are more than one of these per year.)

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Published on Mon 6th Dec 2021. Featured in KBD #55 (source).


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