Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Tools

Jazzkeys - free typing

Jazzkeys is a nice app playing piano sounds while you are typing – created by the Stockholm-based studio Plan8.
Published August 27, 2021
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With its minimalist interface Jazzkeys is less than a distraction-free text editor but much more than a humble textarea.

Published in 2020, this is a project by Plan8, a Stockholm based studio founded in 2008, working for companies like Google or Mailchimp.

You can type what you want and according to the settings your keypresses produce nice jazzy piano sounds in different moods.

Try it for yourself and replay or share your message:

Jazzkeys home: [

Plan8 homepage:

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Published on Fri 27th Aug 2021. Featured in KBD #41 (source).

Tags: toolmusic


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