Jonkey is an open-source split by u/SmashedTatoes, designed via ergogen.
KBD.newsPublished March 8, 2022
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This open-source split was designed by using MrZealot's ergogen.
The PCB is reversible and features seemingly too much keys and also a quite weird thumb cluster. :D
Regardless, in the repo, there are not just the PCB and case files but also the ergogen config available, so you may finetune those.
GitHub repo:
Published on Tue 8th Mar 2022. Featured in KBD #69 (source).
The semi-handwired
Unnamed 65 by
icelongclaw features Amoeba PCBs and has a public
KLE layout.
Joe Scotto built a split keyboard that uses VGA cable and connectors:
Tarneo shared a small and portable sub-10x10 cm ergo split called
LambBT is a minimal, wireless, 34-key split travel companion by
John Lamb.
Squalius-cephalus shared the Reviung-derivative monoblock
Silli41, along with its numpad companion.
A nice monoblock split by