Sadek Baroudi shared his KLOR variant with KS-27 switches. Published January 5, 2023
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Sadek Baroudi published a KS-27 edition of GEIST's KLOR. This is a modded version of the KLOR PCB using soldered low-pro KS-27 switches instead of MX hotswap. Trackball support has been removed in the process to simplify routing.
So, GEIST makes awesome keyboards… I wanted the KLOR, but low profile. So, I adapted the original PCB to support KS-27 switches (not hotswap). I realized after I did this… I could not take advantage of the original case, since the pcb height relative to the case had now changed significantly (3.4mm closer). This meant I needed to make a new case. In doing so, I wanted to maintain the original style that I love so much! So, this is the result! – Sadek.