Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Keyboard Spotting

Keyboard of a Soviet ICBM silo

The mechanical launch button of a Soviet ICBM silo over 100 feet below the surface. Posted by MaximumBasis9326.
Published October 22, 2021
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Although I still remember the Russian alphabet after about 30 years of learning it, there's no way I can confirm this is really the interface of an ICBM silo, nor the claim "It would have fired enough SS-18 Satan MIRV warheads at the US to take out the East Coast".

Anyway, the layout is interesting from a strictly professional point of view. Hearing some anecdotes of the Soviet soldiers, putting a double-keylock mechanism on this thing would have been a pretty good idea. I hope they are hidden behind those funny little doors.

Btw, I grew up in the last years of the Soviet occupation and just 5 kms from a nearby base of the Red Army and under constantly patrolling MiG-21s.

As a kid, we had no fear of the sonic blasts, they were simply parts of our life. And I can't remember seeing the soldiers at all, they had to be a fairly closed enclave.

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Published on Fri 22nd Oct 2021. Featured in KBD #49 (source).


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