Kiboard68 Zealousideal 's Kiboard68 is a 60% handwired ortho with numpad. Published April 8, 2022
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Zealousideal-Ad4561 Kiboard68 is a custom handwired 60% ortholinear layout with numpad. A wireless keyboard (ZMK firmware on a nice!nano microcontroller) in a standard 60% bamboo case.
And a nice photolog:
As you can see, the backspace is strangely put in the middle which actually could make sense, however, the perpetrator disagrees:
[…] ended up regretting this but needed the mathematical operators near the Numpad since I deal with engineering softwares.
In addition, Enter became a palm-key:
Surprisingly intuitive to hit enter with the side of my right hand.
To achieve the rainbow patina effect, Zealousideal torched the custom laser cut steel plate (see the gallery ).
Published on Fri 8th Apr 2022. Featured in KBD #73 (source ).
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About is a blog and newsletter on DIY mechanical keyboards. A hand-picked selection of posts from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective (more + contact ).
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