A sub-40% monoblock split with trackball and encoder: Kolossus by Protieusz.
KBD.news Published October 29, 2024
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The Kolossus, shared by Protieusz, is a monoblock angled keyboard with a trackball and a roller encoder. Remixed from the Clops PCB, designed by calvin-mcd. Based on the contributions by Noelle and ha ha ha.
Here is my latest custom keeb design, created in collaboration with 3 other people, called the Kolossus. Everything is open source except for the Zaku custom case – Protieusz.
In contrast to the hotswap Clops with on-board RP2040, the Kolossus is a solder-only PCB and features an RP2040 Zero Super Mini devboard. In addition, there's the trackball of course, and also the case, designed from scratch.