Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


Weteor's Kong, following his naming convention, is a 48-key orthogonal keyboard with offset bottom row.
Published April 7, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

I missed this model at the time of its publication and learned about it only from the Chonky Kong post.

So the files of Kong, another ortholinear board with a twist, were shared by weteor about two months ago.

It perfectly fits the author's Orthocade family, a line of ortho boards with the hallmark offset bottom row, and each of the models named after a retro game.

If you'd like a numpad in the center, check out the Chonky Kong, which is an updated/extended version of the Kong.


  • 44-48 keys
  • seperate PCBs/cases for Choc v1 and MX switches
  • hotswap sockets
  • on-board RP2040
  • QMK with Vial support


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Published on Fri 7th Apr 2023. Featured in KBD #119.


Microsystems MS-21D

A Microsystems MS-21D spotted by Manpeas.

Ortho or staggered? Both!

This 40% ortho PCB comes with a home row allowing both ortho and staggered (symmetric) arrangement (here). (Posted by Littlehouse75.)


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Jbam9 shared a case for the JB69, a handwired ortho with a solenoid.


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