Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Keyboard Spotting

Librascope Tactical Computer Terminal

This TCT AN/UYQ-30 is probably one of the very few terminals out there meeting nuclear survivability requirements. Posted by pburgomaster.
Published November 21, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Literally a battlestation.

This fully militarized tactical computer terminal, designed and manufactured by the Librascope Corporation, is "a general purpose data processing, display, and communication terminal for Army field use at all echelons in a variety of highly mobile tactical applications".

The brochure from 1988 is pure gold, check it out at:

Display/Keyboard Processor unit: 130 pounds.

The Keyboard utilizes elastomeric construction and is rain-proof in the operational position. It folds upward to protect the Display face in transit. A standard ASCII character set is featured with the numerics placed to one side. A separate set of cursor control switches is provided. […] Processor Control Switches, Input/Output Control Switches, and Voice Channel Selection Switches are also located on the keyboard (source).

8 megabytes magnetic bubble memory: 80 pounds.

Environmental specifications

Altitude: operation to 10,000 ft, transport to 50,000 ft.

Temperature: operational -45° to 60°C, storage -57° to 71°C.


Nuclear: survivable.

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Published on Sun 21st Nov 2021. Featured in KBD #53 (source).



This TypeMatrix may be the first keyboard using the term "ortholinear". (Not the first ortho one ofc.)

Keltron keyboard

u/KingD421 found this vintage Keltron, part of a fire alarm system.

Midway battle station

An actual battle station from the USS Midway Museum. Posted by yagtechceo.

IBM with CMM caps

An IBM KB-8923 with custom CMM caps spotted by freewilly_23.

Early split patent

Fritz Heidner's split layouts prove there's nothing new under the sun.

Beamspring spotting

A breathtaking photo of an IBM Beamspring 5251 shot by Bitteneite.
