Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Lil Chonky Bois updated

Lil Chonky Bois by Sndr666 updated with MX hotswap & wireless versions.
Published July 25, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Github repo:

(With bonus wrist rest STL.)

I thought I had to settle when I found that the only Esun ABS+ in stock was this natural color. But it turned out to be a happy accident, I love this filament. Solid, but translucent.
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Published on Sun 25th Jul 2021. Featured in KBD #36 (source).


Skeletyl variant

A Skeletyl variant by u/blackanode with top and side mount add-on options.


Dane Lipscombe's Tamatama is a 28-key Dactyl derivative with dual trackballs.

Pi5 case with cover

The angled ortho Pi5 keyboard by ihihbs has no a MCU cover and a case.

Swept Corne

A wireless-only cross between the Sweep and the Corne: Swept Corne by u/Additional-Stock3711.

Mikefive, a Kailh PG1316S keyboard

Mike Hölscher aka dynam1keNL presents you the unibody split mikefive, this work-in-progress super-thin keyboard built around Kailh's PG1316S notebook switches.

GHOST - message from GEIST

Let's take a sneak peek into the keyboard journey and workflow of GEIST, this year's winner of the Seeed keyboard competition.
