An open-source ortholinear keyboard: Matías v1.0 by u/nstrappazzonc. Published July 31, 2022
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Matías v1.0 is a low-profile open-source ortholinear keyboard by Nicola Strappazzon C. aka nstrappazzonc.
The keyboard has the name of the author's son who was amazed by the colors and the sound of the keys – so no relation to Alps clones.
This is another mechanical keyboard, very low profile with RGB light and compatible with qmk framework. The others seem very tall and uncomfortable to me, and I wondered why there isn't a low profile one? And I asked myself again, what if I make one? – nstrappazzonc.
I can't think of too many low-pro orthos either but there's e.g. the Kebu, Horizon, 0x32 Brussels Waffle and of course the even lower profile Synx42 for those who are interested in this niche.